API Reference
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API Reference

Webhooks allow your application to be notified of important events from Shippie

Webhooks are essential tools for modern applications, enabling real-time communication and actions based on specific events. By integrating with Shippie webhooks, developers can create more dynamic, responsive, and efficient applications, enhancing user experience through immediate data synchronization and event handling.

This section of our API documentation will guide you through setting up and using webhooks, providing detailed instructions on configuring endpoints, managing payloads, and handling requests to maximize the utility of real-time data interactions in your software architecture.

Webhook EventDescription
shipment.createdorder has been created in Shippie's systems. awaiting puchase of label
shipment.labelPrintedshipment label has been generated and paid for
shipment.receivedAtShippieshipment has been scanned at Shippie's local last mile receiving center
shipment.outForDeliveryshipment is out for delivery
shipment.deliveredshipment has been delivered to the final destination
shipment.deliveryAttemptFailedshipment could not be delivered by driver, will re-attempt up to 3 times
shipment.cancelledshipment label has been cancelled prior to sortation